Save your money. Save the planet. Go solar.
Save your money. Save the planet. Go solar.
Saving money is one of the greatest causes people go solar. Most people in Nevada spend about $220.00 for electricity per month. This amounts to $2,6420 a year and over $66,000 for 25 years, which is the estimated lifetime of the system. Considering that in five years you can remove your electric bills from a solar power system, that amounts to enormous savings!
Along with dramatically reducing electricity prices, you will quickly continue to see instant benefits. The moment the light on your system is turned on, you can start saving money. During the first month, you will find a decreased electric bill rate, and savings will only increase from that point on.
What several individuals are shocked to hear is that the construction of a solar energy device will improve the worth of a home. In the future, anyone coming into your house would benefit from lower electricity costs, which adds to the value of your home. Studies suggest that homes with solar electricity systems sell quicker and at a rate of 17% higher than homes without solar systems.
Taking into account the 30% federal tax credit, a solar system installation's payback period will be as short as seven years. This is particularly true in Las Vegas, where the warm and sunny atmosphere means that, on average, systems generate more energy than they do elsewhere in the nation.
Finally, renewable energy solutions defend against increasing power bills. The solar energy rate is fixed for a 25-year term, ensuring that you will be able to estimate how much money you will spend for electricity, if any. The price of normal power, by comparison, usually fluctuates. It's impossible, however, to predict. For companies, locked rates are highly relevant because understanding electricity costs allows to manage finances and expenses.
Lots of contaminants are produced by fossil fuels. If you've ever been to California, New York, China, or anyplace where terrain consists of mountains and valleys, you've seen what dirty air looks like. Dirty air, smog, is bad for the atmosphere, bad for our health, bad for our aesthetics. All just seems worse when toxins get stuck in the air. Solar panels help to get rid of emissions from the environment. Your solar panels produce electricity that is renewable and does not lead to air pollution.
If your source of energy doesn't use fossil fuels to power itself, it probably uses some kind of water. In order to generate electricity, hydropower and nuclear energy both use a lot of water. It is also important to construct a dam to regulate the flow of water and the output of electricity. There's the issue with dams that damming water would have a big effect on the local environment. Solar panels produce water-free electricity with no harmful effect on the environment. In fact, the US Energy Conservation & Renewable Energy Office believes that in at least 36 states, solar energy systems could help reduce water consumption. This will help resolve our problem of water shortage.
The US Energy Conservation & Renewable Energy Office claims that a solar energy system will help us minimize water scarcity, but the office also estimates in the same study that cleaner air could have a significant impact on the health of humankind. They estimate, in truth, that we could save over 25,000 lives. That's because cleaner lungs come with cleaner air.
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